Life is so fleeting. Situations can turn in a moment, and with that, life is changed forever or it's over. I wonder why we refuse to enjoy what we have. I get the ego might be responsible for alot of this obstinate behavior but why are we so set on seeing our humanness as a negative. Yes, I know, it has been honed by society for centuries, for the manipulation and control of the masses but really, still? In the year 2014, in all our brilliance (you all know I firmly believe we are all brilliant and equal) we still refuse to be grateful for this limited time on earth and set out to be better, bigger and more than being human. What the *#@&?!! grrrr.....
Yes, sometimes I really do want to scream and jump up and down (thanks and say "Come on! You got this!!" but then I know, somewhere inside we all know this and others don't need me to say this.... you know, not all people want to know they have their solutions.
But yes, you do, you have your own solutions. Yes, I know others tell you, you don't, and you may believe this, but you do.... you really do. And yes! Sure! We all can seek out those professionals in their field and those we admire for their input! Yes! And then take those views and allow yourself to see how you have the knowledge to follow through on your own, and do not need to use another as an aid. We are really good at life.
If you ever need to reach out do, you are not a victim, you are not alone, and you have you. Plus you have all those you are naturally connected too (that happens to be anything energetic, which happens to be everything... pretty cool I'd say)
Do not think you need to stop living to live. We have very few examples of leaders who also were parents and married to look up too and we seem to have none who have found the balance of family, career, faith, finance and self-perception. Sure there is what we see, but then if you look closer, do they have what you would want? I have not seen an example of what I want, but I know what I want, and I have spent my lifetime doing my best to recognize the fact that what I am seeking is always present and therefor does not need to be sought.
I do not believe we should ever stop living to "live". I believe prayer should be practiced constantly, as well as meditation. I believe the peace is found each moment in my mind and in that same moment there is gratitude.
I believe we are not less perfect for being human, and thus the energy we are born of (Christians ~ in the image of God, Atheists ~ why wouldn't we be perfect? science ~ energy just is, and it is both negative and positive but regardless, perfect). I cannot wrap my head around why we would be here to gain more than we are. We are born perfect and we die still perfect. I do not get how just because we are given an ego, we become less, when the ego adds to our humanness, it is not a disability or evil. Sigh.
Many of you have heard me say, "we are not here to learn, we are here to experience." the statement above is why I feel this way. We are here to experience being human for a very finite time. It is a gift. Why oh why can we not get this? Our ego, although a pain in the butt, has allowed us to be a separate, individual, self-existing energy force. That is its purpose, to keep us separate. Thus we cannot let it lead, as the other part of us understands our oneness with all that is in existence. We need both this positive and negative side to be whole.
Now add in our emotions. When we are dead, we have no emotions. Why would we try and stop the ones we call negative? When once we are dead we no longer have them. I don't want to be dead before I am. I want to feel. Yes, any of you who know my past, and me know I have felt some pretty crappy stuff and lived through it all. I am grateful for these extremes. Are they fun? Hell no! But I do not believe they are suffering or I am being punished. It is what it is because it is all meant to be part of the experience of being human!! And I don't want to not feel dead while I am alive.
When I set out my vulnerable self into this world, yes, I feel bombarded. Yes, I want to hide. I am no different than you!! Yes, I sometimes find this world way to noisy and needy and yes, sometimes I feel needy too!!!! I am human. And I know for fact we are all seeking the same thing. To be loved and accepted.
So with all that I have just said it comes down to one simple thing. Give yourself the one thing you seek, acceptance and unconditional love. Look in that mirror and tell yourself everything you wish others would say. Listen to yourself when you are in strife, pain and peril. And most of all, ask you first. Show yourself, that above all, you believe you have the answers you seek. No matter what you believe created this world, you can always believe in one thing, and that of course, is you.
AuKeeRa Rayne
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