Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do you follow? Should you lead? Activist or passivist?

Do we need to fight for what we believe in? Should we be educating
others in our beliefs feeling they need our education and advice?
Where has fighting and activism brought us today? Has it really given
us freedom?

Does fighting really solve anything? Does it liberate those who are
fighting? How do we rise up when suppressed? All these thoughts can
just make our head spin. What is our responsibility in a first world
country? Should we defend the weak? Should we rescue? Should we go
and give aid? What should we do?

These answers are very personal ones so I will express my opinions and
views to an objective point then urge you to find your own truth.

In what I see fighting solves nothing. Take your personal life for
example. As kids we are told to walk away from bullies, as adults we
tend to stand to fight to be right. But for a fight you need two
people, right? What if only one is fighting? Well then AuKeeRa we
will be taken over! Really? Are you sure about that? In a one to
one fight, when one walks away, there can be no longer be a fight.
When in an abusive relationship one must first chose to walk away from
the fight then be strong enough to care for themselves learning to see
fighting to be right with someone who will always think you are wrong
can not ever be worth it.

I do firmly and strongly we must have our personal beliefs and find
the mindset behind our actions is what truly is important. If we are
called within ourselves to aid another but KNOW we are not saving
them, then we are operating in a way of equal mindset. This means I
am giving to you because I know you need it right now but I do not
think you are needing or in need of saving (and I am also hoping if I
am ever in the same place someone will know to aid me). This
alleviates the ego taking over and deciding the other person 'needs'
us and our good work. This also keeps our understanding clear that we
are not responsible for this person, nor the final outcome as they are
living their life and we must also live ours.

Yes, it is hard when it comes to charity, but again, mindset is where
it is at. If you know the person you are helping doesn't really need
you and is where they are right now and capable of what they need to
be, you keep what you believe in at the forefront, knowing all others
are taken care of as well. Unfortunately our world feels we need to
save others, not realizing we are all equal, where we need to be and
furthermore capable. We must see all countries, societies and people
as capable. Our equals. It is only your mindset your are responsible
and only you know what view is right for you. You are the only one
who can lead you.

So before you march, fight, donate, be passive, or even vote or help a
friend, make sure your mindset is clear. Journal, take time, make
sure you are NOT acting out of guilt, or doing it because you think
you should or are suppose to, know what and why you are doing it for
you. Be clear this feels right for you. Do not feel you need to
fight or prove your point to anyone. If you are solid in your actions
and your choice you will not feel the need to defend and if you do
share it won't be out of need to get others on board with you or to
prove you are right to them. You will feel good, balanced and right
within your actions.

As I said in my last few blogs, we must feel good and right for
ourselves. When we feel good with our choices we just feel good.
When we work out of obligation or guilt we will begin to resent what
we are doing. Just observe yourself. Keep a pulse on how you are
feeling and if or when things no longer feel right, allow yourself to
move those things out of your life. You do not ever need to justify
your actions to another when they are right for you.

Thus Do we need to fight for what we believe in? Fighting sometime
will come into play but you will know when it is right for you to do
and then it will be right. You will also know if it is not right for
you and you will walk away.

Should we be educating others in our beliefs feeling they need our
education and advice? Sure we can share what we believe in but no one
really needs are unsolicited education or advice as they are our
equals, have their own beliefs and none of us like unsolicited advice.

Where has fighting and activism brought us today? Some believe it has
gotten us to where we are while others believe we have not moved that
far so Has it really given us freedom? I think freedom is more of a
mindset than an actual reality, all I know is I feel freedom in my
life but all I know is my life as all you know is yours, so you will
know how to find your freedom and opinion of it.

Does fighting really solve anything? Two people will never agree when
opposing views are presented thus fighting solves nothing. However
when we work to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and work to see
their point of view it can give us an understand but we still NEVER
need to agree with them or think their views are right for us. Also
when two adults fight nothing is solved however when they work with
solution oriented conversation, understanding and compassion, results
can be achieved. In reference war you must decide this for yourself.
Does it liberate those who are fighting? Again, you must decide this
for yourself. How do we rise up when suppressed? I know for fact when
we are feeling repressed in our lives our mindset must be what we look
to. Look at even the extreme examples in life, those who have been
prisoners against their will, suppressed beyond imagination and there
are countless examples of these people leading wonderful lives.
Suppression can always be overcome via your mindset first. What on
earth do you mean AuKeeRa! Have you ever heard the phrase "Why does
the caged bird sing? Because it doesn't know it is caged" there are
people in this world who have everything they could ever ask for and
they still feel suppressed, then there are those who are held by law,
who are in a situation where they cannot fight back and these people
rise time and time again to become beautiful individuals who love
themselves and do not blame or hate anyone. They move past their
situation and allow themselves to live, not stay stuck in hate, or the

What is our responsibility in a first world country? Again, you will
know if you feel called and where you need to be. Should we defend
the weak? Remember no one is truly weak and if you KNOW you are to
intervene (not save) you will do what is right for you at that time.
Should we rescue? No one needs rescuing but sometimes we all need a
little help, again trust yourself and you will know how to help and
when as long as you ask yourself, examine your beliefs and are sure
you are doing it because it feels right for you and not out of
obligation or guild. Should we go and give aid? Again, trust
yourself, your beliefs, allow those beliefs to grow and change as you
do. Be your own leader, don't be a passivist in your own mind, work
to balance your thoughts. Take the time to ask you, examine your
beliefs, standing up for ourselves means being strong enough to do
what is right for ourselves not through harming others purposefully,
fighting, bullying or getting others to follow or walk with it. We
don't have to fight to be who we are, we just need to accept
ourselves, listen to ourselves and live our life via our actions and
not our voice. (walk the walk, not just talk the talk:)

AuKeeRa Rayne

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