Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chapter 11 ~ Basic Numerology



            Numerology itself is a very in-depth pseudo science.  This chapter is simply meant as an introduction and by no means a thorough explanation of the vastness of numerological possibilities.

            I am including this chapter to aid in giving further meanings to numbers themselves.  You will find this chapter useful when delving into your own spirituality and developing your own magical daily life.

            Numerology can be used in our daily lives as a way of seeing messages along with choosing names for ourselves, our business and, or our children.

            Numerology is not to be confused with the Cabilarianism, which is a whole separate philosophy using numbers.

            The knowing of what numbers mean also becomes useful when reading the Tarot.  As all of the cards in Tarot decks carry a number, the number can add to the card's meaning in the card layout.





            All the letters of the alphabet are given a number from 1 to 9.  See the chart.

            Spell out the name you would like to know about.  In the case of people's names, I often use the name they go by, rather than their "legal" name.  But it becomes very fascinating to try all of one's name combination.

            Even for businesses, one can add "Ltd." or "Co.", to change the numerological meaning of the businesses' name.

            When doing a person's name, do each of their names separately first.  You may also do their names adding Mrs., Mr., Miss., or Ms. the possibilities in names are endless.

As you look of the exercise on the next page note all of the possibilities.  You may ask yourself "Why?"

            The name you use for daily life may be different than the name or title you use at work.  Your signature may be different from the other two.  Right there are three separate numerological influences on your life.  Some of these influences you may like, others you may wish to change.  Hey, it is your life. 

            Each of us has our own name, and for some of us it is not necessarily the name that our parents gave us or the last name we may get when we marry.  Who said we couldn't make up our own last names.  Believe it or not, I have had a "birth name", a "given" name, a "married" name, a "common law" name, and finally my own name.  Legally I was told I need to have two names, personally I think we all really just need one, our own.








                        1       2       3       4       5       6       7       8       9


                        A         B         C         D         E          F          G         H         I


                        J          K         L          M         N         O         P         Q         R


                        S         T          U         V         W        X         Y          Z         




*Note: Nines (9) do not change the outcome of the name; there fore they do not have to be added in ever.


            Christine Marie Niemela


            C  h  r  i  s  t  i  n  e

            3  8  9 9 1  2  1 3  5 

                                       ->  3 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 51 -> 5 + 1= 6

                        [without 9's]       3 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 24 -> 2 + 4 = 6


            C  h  r  i  s

            3  8  9 9 1  ->  3 + 8 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 30 -> 3 + 0 = 3

                                or  3 + 8 + 1 = 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3


            M  a  r  i  e

            4   1 9  9  5  ->  4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28 ->  2 + 8 = 10 ->  1 + 0 = 1

                                    or  4 + 1 + 5 = 10 -> 1 + 0 = 1


            N  i  e  m  e  l  a

            5  9  5  4  5  3 1  ->  5  + 9 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 32 -> 3 + 2 = 5

                                         or  5 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 1 = 23 -> 2 + 3 = 5


Now we know that;

                        Christine = 6

                                    Chris = 3

                                                Marie = 1

                                                            Niemela = 5


                        Let's try some different combinations!

Christine Niemela -> 6 + 5 = 11 [1 + 1 = 2]  Note: 11 is a very special                                                                                             number all on its own.

Chris Niemela -> 3 + 5 = 8


Christine M. Niemela -> 6 + 4 + 5 = 15 -> 1 + 5 = 6


Chris M. Niemela -> 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 -> 1 + 2 = 3


C. Niemela -> 3 + 5 = 8   Note that the initial "C" and Chris have the                                                                                               same numerological value.


C. M. Niemela -> 3 + 4 + 5 = 12 -> 1 + 2 =3


Now add titles if you wish.

            Miss -> 4 + 1 + 1 = 6  Note "i" is a 9 and may be omitted.

            Mrs. -> 4 + 1 = 5

            Ms is also a 5.

            Dr. -> 4 + 9 = 13  Note that 13 is also a number that may be left                                                       or broken down to 4.

            Ph.D. -> 7 + 8 + 4 = 19 -> 1 + 9 = 10 -> 1 + 0 = 1


            These are things you could refer to for your signature, what is written on your diplomas or how you sign your name.  Also how you wish to be referred to at work or at play, or as a Mom.

Mom -> 4 + 6 + 4 = 14 -> 1 + 4 = 5

Mommy -> 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 25 -> 2 + 5 = 7

Mommie -> 4 + 6 + 4 + 4 + [9] + 5 = 23 -> 2 + 3 = 5

Dad -> 4 + 1 + 4 = 9

Daddy -> 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 20 -> 2 + 5 =7

Daddie -> 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + [9] + 5 = 18 -> 1 + 8 = 9


            Play and find the combinations of your own name and look up the meanings of the numbers on the following pages.

1 -> One, the number of new beginnings. 

            He who carries a "one" name is often a loner and willing to try anything once.  "Ones" rarely want to settle and would rather stay on the move.  One's often change or add to their names as they begin to age or feel the need to settle down.

            For business a "one" name shows a new beginning, a fresh idea.  Again, often as the business grows the name [or address] will change, or the name itself will be added to.


2 -> Two, the number of togetherness and doing things again . . .

            Although the number of togetherness a "2" in a name will be one who does thing over, often because they do not learn from their "mistakes" or situations the first time.  Since the "2" is often also an "11", as the two grows and matures, they will take on the qualities of an eleven rather than a two.

            A two acquired from a twenty often may en up learning their lessons over and over as they repeat their lessons, [or mistakes] without ever learning from them.  This is usually more difficult for those living with this person more than the two people, as they do not see that learning from their life might be a useful thing for them to do.

            A twenty "two" may also end up adding to or changing his name as he also grows within himself.

            Two is not a number that is highly recommended for businesses.  This is mainly due to the number's repetitive nature, but you may feel different.

            In Tarot, two is also felt to be a number of unions, but is usually representative of only the beginning stages of the relationship with the self or another.


3 -> Three, the number of communication.

            Three's can have the gift of the gab.  Yet the three can listen as well as speak.  Within the self the three can have a deep understanding of the union within the mind, body and soul of self.  Three's are often easygoing people with an understanding of self and a willingness to understand what is around them.

            For business, a three is good if the business is based on communication, Psychologists, Beauty Salons, Lawyer's Firms, and even Counselors.


4 -> Four, the number of foundation.

            Four is a strong number for those building either a family, or a business.  Names with four show promise of success in the business world and are often a strong foundation for another.  Although fours may not always be overly emotional or spiritual by nature, this quality like any other may also change and grow.

            Four is a good number for smaller retail businesses, and those dealing more directly with money rather than communication.  For larger sales, or retail businesses an eight is preferred.


5 -> Five, the number of spiritual communication within the self.

            Five's are often seekers.  Strong by nature, they seek the truth.  In business the five is often in search of new or better ways to do things.  Fives often like to travel as they can set their "foundation" or home anywhere.

            Five is not my personal choice for a business name, due to the number's searching nature.  Unless your business revolves around research choose a more grounded number.




6 -> Six, the number of the family.

            I often see this number in the names of those who are Mothering by nature.  Those who are well versed in life and good at listening to the problems of others, as well as being able to give good advice or counseling.

Six is a good number for a family home address.  The male six often carries the gift of the gab and a gentle nature.  Along with a good listening ear and a soft shoulder to cry on.

            Six is a good business number for those who wish to family oriented.


7 -> Seven, the number of spirituality.

            Spirituality not just of the self, but also of all that is around them, family included.  The seven is more grounded and less seeking than the five.  But a seven is often philosophical.  The seven can be very family oriented, or be the exact opposite.

            A seven reaches for the stars and often wishes to have a family rather than being a loner, where as a five prefers to seek alone.

            I find fives and sevens very similar, yet in so many ways different.  Spirituality seems to be the ultimate goal, in other words, the search for the true self.

            Seven is a good name for a scholar, or student, but is not the best choice for a business.


 8 -> Eight, the balance of family and business.

            An eight will succeed in either world and is able to fine balance in both.  They truly need both worlds.  Eight is not a real spiritual number, but is a family or a fantastic business number.

            Eight is my choice for those who with to succeed in both the business world and have a family oriented lifestyle also.  Choose this number for the name of the person, their signature, their business or the business's address.

            Eights are often grounded while striving for success.  They do not have the searching urge for the spiritual side of life.  They simply would like to succeed.

            Again, eight is my person choice for those in business. 


9 ->  Nine, the number of completion.

            Nine is also the number of man.  Nines, I have found to be stable and sure of themselves.  They travel and ground themselves easily.  Encompassing communication and emotion, nine brings a stability and calmness into one's life.

            A name with the number nine strives for completion.  Not necessarily only in the materialistic world, but more so in the completion of the self.

            Nine is a versatile number for the name of a person.  The path of life may take many twists and turns, but the nine shall strive to complete his task.

            Depending on the business, nine can be a good business number especially in a business with mankind's welfare in mind.

NOTE - Interesting thought that 666 adds up to 18, which adds up to 9.  Is this possibly saying that we are our own "beasts"?


0 -> The number of an end and a new beginning.

            Zero holds nothing and everything within its emptiness, a vast void waiting to be filled.  The only place in which zero is commonly used is the tarot deck.  Otherwise no name shall ever add up to zero.

            Think of zero as the circle it is, never-ending, always empty, always full.



11 -> The number of a teacher

            Someone who teaches also makes a good student.  Often while leaning the eleven begins their life as a two.  Through maturity and experience the two learns to listen and sees that he may not know it all.  A good teacher learns from all he teaches.

            Eleven is a good number for a spiritually based or communication based business.

            Eleven is a good name number for those in a spiritual, teaching or healing [nurses, masseuses, etc.] profession.


There is enough time in a lifetime to fulfill all your dreams once you have chosen to live.


13 -> The number of God

            Jesus and his twelve disciples; equals the number thirteen. Thirteen broken down is four.

            The ones who carry a thirteen are often balanced in their spirituality or their own base philosophies.  Thirteen is an excellent number for business, due to the fact that thirteen carries all the qualities of four also.

            Thirteen encompasses spirituality.  Not so much the teaching of spirituality, but the developing of a much deeper understanding of one's own philosophy.


22 -> The number of the ultimate teacher; one who has truly learned the power of silence

            A twenty-two is much like a thirteen, but has learned to also encompass all the traits of as eleven.  A twenty-two can float effortlessly through all walks of life, if he trusts his universe.

            Twenty-twos are wonderful teachers, parents, students, and friends. Also twenty-two is a great business number, providing the business is not being opened solely for financial gain.  In that case, for financial gain, a four or an eight would be better.  [Note-22 breaks down to 4]


            Learn what numbers are significant to you and why.  Numerology goes much deeper than what is written here.  For daily life, I have found this knowledge more than enough for myself.  As always, you must find what works best for you.



Chapter 9 - guide communication

Chapter 9 – Guide Communication
                        To channel you need no special guidance or direction, it's simple, the purer your channels are, the more pure the information will be.  In order to reach your ultimate channeling capacity you must stay as pure as you feel fit.  Thus you will channel the energy or information you so desire.  Pure means knowing the difference between the ego and the voice of your higher self.
            The ultimate goal is to reach your purest channel or highest "guide" or overseer and eventually establish a direct link within you to what you believe in.  In order to do this one must not consume or acknowledge any negativity or negative energy whatsoever.  This means you learn to understand there is really no evil or 'negative' here.  There is only the ego and the ego is a part of you and therefore it is also perfect – you just have to learn not to have it guide your life.  The journey to your highest channeling capability will be wonderful, remember although there is no right or wrong here always call for your purest highest guide when you wish to channel.  If you feel you are ready to channel, then you are ready.
            If you hear a voice that seems to be lying remember it could be a lower level guide still learning, a wayward spirit looking for someone to chat with or your own ego vying for attention. In what I have learned it could also be a past life memory of this planet to bring some knowledge you may require at this time so you may wish to take a trip to the Akashuik Records.  It takes time to differentiate the voices and feelings but you will.  It really is practice, practice, and practice with a whole lot of honesty.
            The guide best for channeling is your overseer.  Their purpose has always been what it is, to be a translator for the Universal Energy until you are able to bypass them and be a direct link yourself.  Through these guides we can hear the voice of our perception of "God".   Your guides can teach you to feel, see and hear the voice of your highest source more clearly.  Since these guides and us are of the same energy, they are our connection to the Universal Energy.   Always call for your highest guide.  They will always come for they are always with you.
            You are a channel and not the source.  Without the information of the Universal energy nothing is possible.  Simply put, you alone do nothing.  Therefore taking credit and putting yourself above others simply because you have learned to be a servant of the Universe by channeling energy, light or information will no longer be an act of the universe but your ego.     If you take credit for people who have healed themselves and evolved while using you as a channel, you are again using your ego and not universal energy.  Thus your own energy will deplete and you shall become sick or confused.  If you decide others must come to you for information rather than knowing they can learn to do it on their own, you will become stagnant within your ego and although you may make a lot of money or even become famous, you will have quit evolving.   Stay humble and give credit to the Universal Energy who brings your knowledge and insight.  To be a clear channel you become a servant of the Universe and not of your ego.
            Automatic writing is very useful at all stages of channeling.  This is where you write a question and write the first answer that comes to mind.  The easiest way to begin this process is to write a list of yes/no questions and then quickly answer them.  When you are journaling, you may also ask questions and jot down the answers and information that comes to mind.
            This is where it is really important to learn to distinguish between the voice of your ego and the voice of your higher self and guides.
            Honesty and self-integrity is the only way to stay clear while learning in this life.  Remember, this life is a life long learning experience.  You don't just get it one day and then your learning is done.  Even when we die our learning continues.
            Most psychics do not have to channel their information as they can see what they need to in the forum they choose to use, be it Tarot cards, Palms or astrology.   People who channel information are usually called clairvoyant, mediums or spiritualists and this does not mean they are equally gifted or know any more than you may already know for yourself.  You can get really good guidance and information from Tarot cards, Pendulum, Runes and I Ching.  (As well as prayer which is a form a channeling).  You do not need to be a clairvoyant to read tarot cards, use a pendulum, read runes, I Ching, Numerology, someone's Astrology or Palms.  These are all very accurate when done right and are a whole science within themselves.  They may not require clairvoyance but do require deep dedication and practice to be able to do it well for others.
            To learn to channel information is practice, practice, and more practice.  Not all of us are meant to be "seers" for another.  As we all of us are not meant to be plumbers, we all do not have the same gift.  Some can see spirits, some auras; some can see the past and futures of others, while some can see all of this and more.  Remember though, your goal here is to become content in your own life.  Practice and listen to yourself.  You will learn slowly what you need to know at this time.  Our learning never stops.
            Using meditation, forms of divination such as tarot cards, practicing tai chi, yoga, will all enhance your own insight.  The hardest thing about channeling is to learn to trust the energy and what you are shown.   Once again, all of us are able to channel because we are all made of this energy.  We all get "gut feelings" and we all know right from wrong.  Fine-tuning our gifts takes time, trust and dedication. 
            As you get better at meditation and learn not to control the meditation you will learn to see in an alert state.  Simply open your mind, staring in an unfocused gaze and let the images come.  While you are reading right now imagine an elephant.  The elephant you see is how 'waking images' will look. Trust what you see, the images and sights may begin to come regularly.
            Practicing visualization and relaxation techniques prepare you to let go and see whatever comes to you, along with preparing you so that you may accept the images and learn from the knowledge they bring.
            When meditating with your eyes open, relax not seeing, or hearing anything in particular, just simply being.  You will learn to deal with things in all walks of life through acceptance and simply being. 
            One day you may channel information for others. Through channeling you may access all sorts of information.  Body ailments, emotional imbalance, and present situations, past lives and the list does go on.  Your possibilities as always are endless. 
Know and remember-
Unsolicited advice is never welcome.
Spirit never speaks down to another person.
Spirit is not used to "teach" someone or help others "get it".
Spirit knows they already have it thus always speaks with respect.
            We all have the answers we need therefore always be humble and treat others with respect.  If you feel the need to tell someone some information, you first must be able to differentiate ego from the higher self.  Not all channeled information is to be told.  Most information is meant only for the receiver and not for the rest of the world.  Do not let your ego convince you that you are better or the answer to other person's problems. 
            So often we hear people state things they think others need to hear when no one has asked their advice or opinion.  We all listen politely and know their advice is meant for only themselves.  Our egos need attention, confirmation, someone to notice we are different or special.  Always remind yourself you are unique, special and perfect (along with everyone else) before you speak. 
            Yes, I realize as you learn new things that work for you, you wish to share these good feelings and newly found knowledge to the world.  You must understand everyone is on a similar path and they will find their own way without any unsolicited advice, including yours.  Even though you may "mean" well, you are in fact underestimating others and therefore underestimating your own potential as well.  To think any person needs to be rescued, healed or saved is to decide they are incapable of what you just achieved.  That view is pure ego and not higher self. Practice and listen to yourself.  You will learn what you need to know at this time.  Our learning never stops.  Remember, your goal is to live your life, not save or change others.  We all are equal.  Stay mindful of your ego, it will always talk and that is fine but it does not need to control your daily thought process.  Also be aware of the need or addiction to reading yourself too often.  What is meant to occur is a process where blind faith takes over due to proof of what you have seen.  As you see your answers shown you will learn how to act within your world.  You will need to ask your guides or use divinatory tools less often and trust your inner self more.  You will know through prayer and 'knowing' how live to the best of your ability.
             Journaling will become your form of personal channeling and you will find your answer always lies within being honest with yourself, for within you lies your personal link to the Universal flows of light energy and information.
Automatic Writing
 Part 1
1.     Write down 10 yes/no questions you wish to know the answer to.

2.     Now go back answering them quickly with yes or no without thinking.
3.     Go back and reread your questions and answers.
            This is a great way to begin learning how to channel your answers and to learn the difference        between your ego and guides (also known as your 'gut').  When you pause and start to reason, you are not listening to what you know to be true and are allowing your ego to take          over.  Your ego does not have the answer, but you do.  When you answer quickly, you may       not want to hear it, but you will know the answer is right at this time.
Part 2
            Sit down and write down a question you are pondering and wish an answer to. Then have a written dialogue with yourself. 
            Example of Self-Dialogue 
            Write down your question or statement - I want a new job.
            Then ask yourself - Why?
            Then answer - I do not like the one I am at.
            Then ask again - Why?

Part 3
            List the reasons why and then look at the truth of why you may not like your job.  Ask your responsibility in the situation.
Example of finding Self-Responsibility
            I do not like my boss.
            Then ask yourself "what is my responsibility in the situation?"  This is when honesty is required to find your truth.  You may write about how you are not to react with emotion or how you need to be more humble.  You may not always like the answer you find, as the responsibility will always end up being yours.  You are not responsible for the way another acts nor do you get to blame them for your reaction.  You are not there to fix their part of the situation, only to take responsibility for yours so you may learn and move on from that situation.
Part 4
            When channeling for information you must accept the lessons accompanying the questions.  If you want to know your future be sure you are able to handle your present.  Learn to understand your issues in your here and now so you are able to enjoy what comes next in your life.
            Take time to talk things out with you, learning to find your answers within your higher self thus learning to hear the ego but not listen to it nor follow it.  Learn to treat your ego with love and kindness as you would any unhappy child.  When the child is yelling and complaining trying to get your attention you would not let it take over, you would listen then continue with what you are doing.  The ego just wants to be heard.  Say to your ego "I hear you."  In a kind and loving tone of thought.
            It does take practice to 'call your bluff', not allowing ego to rule your actions and thoughts.  Your actions may stay the same but the thoughts backing them will change.  For example, you may still come across as unhappy or yell at loved ones, but the thoughts will not be "I have a right to act this way!"  They will become "How can I handle this differently next time?" 
            As the realization comes you will see your thoughts as very important learning you are responsible for what you think at all times.  There will always be another lesson thus accept and learn your lessons for this time.  Do not let your ego convince you there is nothing left to learn or you are not capable to teach and find the solution yourself.  The ego always comes from a place of right or wrong.  Always from a need to control you or another person through guilt, blame or fear.  The ego uses emotion as a weapon.  The ego has the need to act righteous, hierarchical while feeling it knows everything.  The ego feels the need to prove it is not weak and has a predetermined idea that higher-self, respectful or accepting behavior is weak.

My question
What is my responsibility in the situation?
What truths do I know about my question, what I want to happen and what actions I need to honestly take to get there?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
            When we take the time to listen to ourselves, we find out we are connected to more knowledge than we could ever imagine.  Talking to you like a good friend will give you the strength and knowledge allowing you to feel loved, not alone, and at peace.  We know our answers.  We are a part of our story.  We are the writers of the way we choose to experience our lives.

Voice of Ego
Does not feel responsible
Feels revenge is fine
Tit for tat
Feels I don't have to if other people aren't
How come I always have to be the bigger person?
They weren't nice to me
I can teach everyone
I know more than they do
I am not good enough
I can't find my own answers
Things are always done to me
I am the one getting hurt!
I didn't do anything to deserve the treatment I am getting
I am alone
I am unworthy
I may not be good enough, but I know I have other people's answers
I know what others need to do
I am right, they are wrong
I have a right to tell people how to treat me.
I have a right to tell people how they are supposed to act when around me
I can tell you how to speak to me.
Nobody likes me.
I always do it wrong.
See my idea is right!

The ego always comes from a place of right or wrong.  Always from a need to control you or another person through guilt, blame or fear.  The ego uses emotion as a weapon.  The ego has the need to act righteous, hierarchical while feeling it knows everything.  The ego feels the need to prove it is not weak and has a predetermined idea that higher-self, respectful or accepting behavior is weak.

The Higher self
Is able to put you into another's shoes and see the situation from their perspective.
Does not blame.
Takes responsibility.
Does not need to fix or save another.
Does not judge.
Take the time to learn the lesson presented.
Does not let emotion cloud the lessons present.
Knows everything happens for a reason to aid in learning.
Does not need saving.
Does not need a leader to follow.
Does not need someone else to make them whole.
Does not need religion.
Knows there is a personal relationship already formed to their perception of God.
Knows it has no one's answers except its own.
Know to live by example rather than speak.
Knows to never give unsolicited advice.
Knows the ego is present and must be loved, accepted but not listened to or acted on.
Knows you are whole at all times and always learning.
Knows life is not work and supports you during perceived hard times.
Knows forgiveness is within self to accept another to let the hurtful situation go.
Knows life experiences do not define you.
Knows everyone has had hard learning experiences also.
Knows we are all equal, learning, and doing the best we can.
Love and accepts all and knows how to say no.
Knows self-sacrifice is ego as you are not here to save the world nor anyone in it.
Knows that being self-centered is not ego based for you must live only your life.
Knows once you love and accept yourself you will accept those around you as they are.